Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Excel Export Bug

I have some reports that I used vbcrlf in. Whenever they are exported to Excel only the first line appears.

Ex: Name (&vbcrlf)

Address 1 (& vbcrlf)

Address 2 (& vbcrlf)

City, State, Zip

This exports to Excel and displays the name line only.

However, if I close the file that was exported and the extra blank screen, and hit export to excel again for a second time, all of the information is displayed.

Okay, on another report that I designed in a matrix I have a row that has the line feed within it and it exports all of the information cleanly to excel. However if I choose a different parameter (There are only two parameters) then it only exports the top line. The only difference between the two parameters is in the calculation that is done in the stored procedure. What is displayed on the report is no different.


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